11:00 h
Aspace Cizur – Cizur Menor – Zizur Txikia
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Aspace Navarra – Jerónimo Maya

Integrate and bring culture closer to people with cerebral palsy through the stimuli of Jerónimo Maya's guitar and give visibility while disseminating the work carried out by Aspace Navarra, are the objectives of Acción Aspace Navarra.

The performance will take place on 27/08 at 11:00am, at Aspace Zizur and will have a limited capacity for users of the center, their families, care staff and a group from another center for people with cerebral palsy. We hope that in the next edition we will be able to open this activity to the entire public.

Thanks to Jerónimo Maya for his generosity, to @cajaruraldenavarra for his support and Aspace Navarra for allowing us to enrich ourselves with this approach.

At #OnFire2024 #plantatacón we work for a more accessible, diverse and plural flamenco. Join us and we can all enjoy the art of Jondo!