Balconies, Streets, and Patios



It will be on Wednesday, August 28 at the Town Hall Square, at 12 p.m. The territory and its dance will also have a presence and representation in an edition focused on dance.

The Duguna dance, music, and folk song company of Euskal Herria is celebrating the 75th anniversary of its foundation this year. An anniversary that began on San Saturnino’s day with a sokadantza in which dancers from different eras of the group participated. The celebration continued with an exhibition at the Palacio del Condestable de Iruña, around which dance workshops, talks, performances, and concerts were organised. For the San Fermín festival, an ezpata-dantza is planned along with the txiki group. Therefore, coinciding with the opening of the eleventh edition of Flamenco On Fire, we wanted to join the celebration by inviting them to participate and play a leading role in an edition where dance takes centre stage at the festival. On the flamenco side, it will be Maestro Pepe Habichuela, ambassador of our event, upon whom the honour of starting the meeting and this eclectic and sincere inauguration of the street activities program in Iruña will fall. A member of an important flamenco dynasty started by his grandfather, Habichuela el Viejo, and continued by his father José Carmona and his three brothers Juan Habichuela, Carlos, and Luis. After a long artistic career in which he shared the stage with such emblematic artists as Juanito Valderrama, Enrique Morente, or Camarón de la Isla, since 2014 he has been faithfully attending Pamplona to act as godfather and participate in Flamenco on Fire. It will be his son, Josemi Carmona, heir to his legacy, who flies with a unique, marked, and prestigious artistic personality, who will provide the music that Duguna will perform, in a meeting of mutual recognition that will unite the sound of the flamenco guitar with the tradition of the dantzaris (vasc dancers).


The Pamplona/Iruña City Hall hosts a first-class flamenco program for everyone to enjoy on the street. Made of stone and with grand iron railings, with reminiscences of Baroque and Rococo styles, this stage is one of the great emblems of the Flamenco on Fire festival. Here, the figures of song and guitar rise to proclaim the sung and musicalized word. This eleventh edition, starting on Thursday, August 29, and ending on September 1 at 12 PM, will feature Capullo de Jerez et Ramón Trujillo, Israel Fernández et Antonio El Relojero, Aurora Vargas et Miguel Salado, and Remedios Amaya et Diego del Morao.


Flamenco On Fire returns to a historic space for its street activities: Hotel La Perla. The rooms that once hosted personalities of universal culture, such as Ernest Hemingway, Charles Chaplin, and Orson Welles, now receive a wide showcase of singers like Salome Pavón, Mara Rey, Jolis Muñoz, or Celia Flores, and sublime guitar players like those of Jerónimo Maya, Juan Jiménez, Jesús del Rosario, and Rycardo Moreno who will perform and accompany from the balcony of one of Pamplona’s literary emporiums. Live music from Thursday, August 29 to September 1 at 12:45 p.m. from one of the bastions of Flamenco on Fire.


The doors of the Palace of Ezpeleta will open to welcome singing. Five performances that will begin at 7:45 p.m., from Wednesday, August 28 to Sunday, September 1. A stage dedicated exclusively to flamenco lyricism. The first concert will be performed by Salomé Pavón and Jerónimo Maya, followed by the Jerez natives Luis Moneo and Juan Manuel Moneo, the next day will be the turn of Remedios Reyes and Julio Santiago, who will pass the baton to Enrique El Extremeño and Pedro Sierra and close this cycle Perico and José, “Los Pañero” with the guitar of Diego del Morao.




The City Hall of Viana, located in the Plaza de los Fueros and built in the 17th century in Renaissance and Baroque style in its facades, stands out, laden with history, as one of the spaces with which Flamenco On Fire opens in Navarra. The music of Ángel Ocray and Luis Sánchez comes to stir the memory to its balcony of imposing structure.



The renovations that the Tudela town hall has undergone, whose original building dates back to 1575, do not cover up its history, but rather tell it in the facade, the cellar, the entrance hall, and each of its scars. Flamenco On Fire, with the intention of showcasing singing throughout the province and adapting it to monumental spaces - or rather, to narrate it anew, from the deep perspective and in front of the neighbours of a city that exudes culture -, schedules here figures of the most genuine art, such as Saúl Quirós, who this time is in charge of reviving that history accompanied by the guitar of Raúl Ramírez Fernández. It will be on Saturday, August 24 at 8 p.m. when the performances in the capital of Ribera of Navarre will begin.


El Galardón Flamenco On Fire nace con la intención de reconocer a quienes durante décadas han trabajado por la divulgación, reconocimiento y dignificación de esta cultura. Más allá de lo estrictamente musical, a través de la fotografía, el periodismo, la dirección de espacios escénicos y la comunicación, a lo largo de la historia, unos pocos nombres han logrado el título de trascendentes. De esta forma, desde la organización se considera que José María Velázquez-Gaztelu, Pepe Lamarca y el tablao Corral de la Morería, merecen la distinción. El acto de entrega de los galardones será presentado por Luis Ybarra, joven periodista especializado en flamenco, en las estancias palaciegas del Nuevo Casino.


Tienen como eje vertebrador la puesta en valor del legado de uno de los guitarristas más destacados de la historia, referencia capital de este género dentro y fuera de las fronteras navarras. También divulgar desde diferentes prismas, a través, sobre todo, de mesas redondas y conferencias, la cultura en la que hemos de contextualizarlo: el flamenco. Investigadores, comunicadores y artistas de distintas disciplinas relacionadas con el arte jondo acuden a esta edición para reflexionar y compartir conocimiento acerca de lo que se cantó en el Concurso de Cante de Granada de 1922, el papel de la mujer y las letras que más han cultivado, centrándolo en la figura de Lola Flores, y la lírica en sí: qué cantamos. Lo harán en la Casa Sabicas (26), la librería Katrakrak (27) y Baluarte (28) en tres jornadas en días sucesivos a las 13.30 horas.

Ciclo de cine

Flamenco On Fire, en su intento por perfilar y experimentar el flamenco desde todos sus vértices posibles, presenta un ciclo dedicado al cine en relación con este arte. Una forma diferente de acercar al público a personajes trascendentales, como La Paquera, Terremoto o Manolo Sanlúcar, fragmentos de la historia y vivencias que nutren el género jondo. Para indagar en la música, la escena, la guitarra y el baile por una vía que va en otra dirección a la estrictamente musical, se realizarán proyecciones de largometrajes y cortometrajes que se completarán con mesas redondas en el mismo espacio de Civivox Condestable. Documentales en los que la palabra, lo que canta el cante, tiene un peso específico y se encuentra con otras disciplinas.

Declarado Bien de Interés Cultural en 1997, el edificio de Civivox Condestable, una construcción histórica de la arquitectura civil, forma parte de la red de escenarios de Flamenco On Fire en Pamplona. Considerado uno de los grandes centros y motores culturales de la ciudad, acoge en esta edición una muestra de flamenco y cine: la proyección de cuatro documentales que concluirán con debates abiertos al público junto a sus protagonistas, que han abordado en la gran pantalla figuras trascendentales de esta música.