Luis Moneo and Juan Manuel Moneo
Being a Moneo gives cachet, but also marks you significantly. Although the contemporary protagonists have been Manuel Moneo and El Torta, the flamenco background of this family goes back to the mythical Pedro Niño Moneo “El Brujo”, native of El Puerto de Santa María. Luis Moneo is now the last link of that golden time of the Barrio de San Miguel that lived the meetings in the Bar Cantábrico or the Bar Ignacio, where he was the youngest of the children who sneaked into these parties. Originally from La Plazuela, he grew up listening to all those flamencos of the time who arrived at his house at dawn. And although at first he leaned towards the guitar, “the six strings” served him to know the entire expression of flamenco. They say that at eight years old he dazzled Agujetas El Viejo - one of his first references along with his grandfather Pacote, Tío Borrico, or his brother Manuel -. However, we had to wait until 2017 to hear his first studio recordings with “Mi Cante, Mi Palabra” (My singing, my word). Now, in the same vein, he has just published “Metal Fundío” (Molten Metal). Also with the guitar of his son, Juan Manuel Moneo, he shies away from arguments and leitmotifs with which to pull the wool over. He doesn’t need them. Luis does not need to adorn or dress up anything because the singing with the specific weight it brings from the factory is enough for him.