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Jesús Méndez

“Los pasitos que yo doy” (The little steps I take); Antonio Molina “El Choro” (baile)

Jesús Méndez, the flamenco singer from Jerez, opens the eleventh edition of Flamenco on Fire in Viana with a recital in which he revisits his own history through the profiles of artists and references that have contributed to the construction of his artistic personality. “Los pasitos que yo doy” is a song por soleá that has already been performed by some of the greatest flamenco singers in history, from Tomás Pavón to Manolo Caracol, including Isabelita de Jerez and Juan Talega. This young singer, who today bears the responsibility of carrying the standard of cante jerezano (a typical singing from Jerez) around the world, takes a journey through the different schools and personalities that have influenced and ultimately shaped his character as an artist. In this edition dedicated to dance, it will be Antonio Molina “El Choro” from Huelva who accompanies Jesús, “it will be like dancing to perform the singing, dancing to perform the dance, purity and jondura (depth)”. Pepe del Morao (guitar), Diego Montoya (rhythm and clapping), and Carlos Grilo (rhythm and clapping) make up the rest of the ensemble from Jerez that supports this artist.


Artistic Cast: 

Jesús Méndez (singing) 

Pepe del Morao (guitar) 

Diego Montoya (rhythm and clapping) 

Carlos Grilo (rhythm and clapping) 

Antonio Molina “El Choro” (dance)