Town Hall Square Pamplona
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Pepe Habichuela, Duguna and Josemi Carmona

It will be on Wednesday, August 28 at the Town Hall Square, at 12 p.m. The territory and its dance will also have a presence and representation in an edition focused on dance. The Duguna dance, music, and folk song company of Euskal Herria is celebrating the 75th anniversary of its foundation this year. An anniversary that began on San Saturnino’s day with a sokadantza in which dancers from different eras of the group participated. The celebration continued with an exhibition at the Palacio del Condestable de Iruña, around which dance workshops, talks, performances, and concerts were organised. For the San Fermín festival, an ezpata-dantza is planned along with the txiki group. Therefore, coinciding with the opening of the eleventh edition of Flamenco On Fire, we wanted to join the celebration by inviting them to participate and play a leading role in an edition where dance takes centre stage at the festival. On the flamenco side, it will be Maestro Pepe Habichuela, ambassador of our event, upon whom the honour of starting the meeting and this eclectic and sincere inauguration of the street activities program in Iruña will fall. A member of an important flamenco dynasty started by his grandfather, Habichuela el Viejo, and continued by his father José Carmona and his three brothers Juan Habichuela, Carlos, and Luis. After a long artistic career in which he shared the stage with such emblematic artists as Juanito Valderrama, Enrique Morente, or Camarón de la Isla, since 2014 he has been faithfully attending Pamplona to act as godfather and participate in Flamenco on Fire. It will be his son, Josemi Carmona, heir to his legacy, who flies with a unique, marked, and prestigious artistic personality, who will provide the music that Duguna will perform, in a meeting of mutual recognition that will unite the sound of the flamenco guitar with the tradition of the dantzaris (vasc dancers).