Dani de Morón
Daniel López Vicente, artistically known as “Dani de Morón,” was born in Seville in 1981, although he has lived all his life in the town of Morón. He received his first teachings from local masters such as Alfonso Clavijo and Manolo Morilla, Morón being a town with a strong guitar tradition. He began accompanying dance at the Matilde Coral Academy, starting a period in which he would combine accompanying singing, with dance accompaniment and concert guitar. That experience opened the door to major dance companies such as those of Antonio Canales, Javier Latorre, or Manuela Carrasco. However, the definitive boost came when he was asked by the master Paco de Lucía to accompany him as a second guitar in several concerts of the “Cositas Buenas” (Good things) tour. That experience opened him a new dimension and catapulted him to the forefront of flamenco guitar. He has titles such as “Cambio de Sentido” (Sense Change) “El Sonido de mi Libertad”, (The Sound of My Freedom) “21,” “Creer para Ver,” (Belive to see) or “Empatía” (Empathy) in his discography. Throughout his career, he has shared experiences in musically eclectic projects with artists such as Dave Liebmann, Aaron Diel, Gerardo Núñez, Diego del Morao, Alfredo Lagos, or Concha Buika. It could be agreed that Dani de Morón is currently in a stage of maturity in which technique, harmony, and tuning play as important a role as the traditional toque a cuerda pelá and the abundant use of the thumb on the bass strings that he was educated on as a child.