Civivox Condestable
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“FROM SCHOOL TO TABLAO (FLAMENCO STAGE)”, Association of Flamenco Tablaos of Madrid

Aware of the necessity to introduce younger generations to the art of flamenco, the Association of Flamenco Tablaos of Madrid (, led by Silvia Marín, has designed a highly successful educational programme centred around flamenco, conducted entirely within the flamenco tablaos of Madrid. Schools from the Community of Madrid visit these tablaos during school hours as a part of their educational activities. Here, students not only learn about flamenco rhythms and dance but also experience the unique atmosphere of attending a live flamenco performance in a tablao.

The show “From School to Tablao” has been specifically created to enable children to learn, play, and participate, thereby introducing them to some basic elements of flamenco and the tablao. With a consistently engaging and varied pace, this show includes dances, songs, guitar performances, explanations of flamenco rhythms and elements, and active participation by the children in a dynamic and entertaining format that is enjoyable for adults as well.

Silvia Marín, a scholar of the genre and a flamenco dancer who has performed at renowned venues such as Corral de la Morería, Casa Patas, and the now-closed Café de Chinitas, is a successful producer of educational and participatory flamenco shows with a clear focus on children and young people. She has participated in numerous festivals and flamenco events, including the Flamenco Festival of Nîmes, the International Festival of Music and Dance of Granada, and the Bienal de Flamenco de Sevilla. Among her creations is the well-known “Pulpitarrita. Con pasaporte flamenco,” a show that was adapted into a book and includes audiovisual material for learning about flamenco. She is considered one of the most prestigious educators and promoters of flamenco for young audiences. Silvia will act as the Master of Ceremonies for “From School to Tablao,” accompanied by a troupe of artists.

This show will be presented at Flamenco on Fire thanks to a collaborative partnership between the Association of Flamenco Tablaos of Madrid and our festival. We extend our gratitude to the association and its board of directors. The event will take place at Civivox Condestable on September 1st at 12:30 pm, with free admission until the venue's capacity is reached.