Casa "Sabicas"
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Lecture (Colloquium) - Juan Garrido

The Unexpected “FLAMENCO DANCE DYNASTIES and whatever emerges…”

The Unexpected “FLAMENCO DANCE DYNASTIES and whatever emerges…”

The element of surprise always generates strong emotional connections between people. Perhaps this is one of the characteristics of flamenco: the unexpected. And this is what we propose in this colloquium. On one hand we will have Juan Garrido, a prestigious journalist and presenter who knows flamenco dance intimately. In fact, the artistic expressiveness of his uncle, Diego de la Margara, is embedded in his DNA. He is a professional who, when moderating, does not improvise but is methodical and diligent, having lived the essence of flamenco since birth. Juan will lead the meeting, representing what we can reveal, he is the reference point. On the other hand: the unexpected; that is, what is not known but can be anticipated or inferred through the reference. Like a good bullfight lineup or an outstanding artistic programme that has neither been seen nor occurred but holds promise. The artists accompanying Juan Garrido will be announced on our social media channels at the moment the meeting begins: they are the surprise. This format debuts in this edition and will continue in future ones. Two final notes for those who might be undecided about attending: look at the line-ups for Saturday 31st August and Sunday 1st September and make your predictions. Lastly, in the previous two years, we had pre-announced Amparo Niño, Inés Bacán, and Dolores Agujetas, last year, Serranito, Pepe Habichuela, and Tomatito... make your predictions.

This unique event will take place at La Casa Sabicas on 1st September at 1:30 pm. Admission is free until the venue's capacity is reached.